Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Meet my very first sewing project! An apron was the perfect choice for my little niecey-pie-cuzzy-bunch to go with the play kitchen my mom got her for Christmas. Nothing about this project was formal, I banged out my own pattern after sifting through some beginner patterns throughout the interweb. It will definitely do the trick for a 1 year old! (even though she cried when we strapped it on her) 

Any-who, I am very interested in taking on new endeavors with my beastly sewing machine now that I got this one done :) 

Here's to hoping school/work/life calms down so I can beautify everything around me! aka curtains, rugs, pillows, blankets, clothes oh my

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, this makes me want to make an apron for my one year old!! So adorable <3
